Exothermic Anti Piping Compound (APC)

‘Exothermic Anti Piping Compound’ is used in casting of molten metal. Just after pouring, it is important to maintain upper portion of the molten metal at nearly the same temperature as the molten metal in lower layers. This prevents formation of undesirable pipe on the upper layer of the molten metal by keeping its upper layer in molten state. This is achieved by preventing loss of heat through radiation. Thus ‘Exothermic Anti Piping Compound’ is placed on upper layer of the molten metal. This ‘Exothermic Anti Piping Compound’ ignites due to temperature of molten metal. This ignition compensates the heat loss and provides ‘Heat Gain’ through its Exothermic Reaction with molten metal. After burning, the residue expands and forms an insulation layer on the molten metal, preventing loss of heat due to radiation.
Thus ‘Heat Gain’ is achieved and loss of heat is compensated at first and then insulation of molten metal is achieved using ‘Exothermic Anti Piping Compound’ only.

Benefits :

• Exothermic Reaction compensates the lost heat and thus the temperatures on the upper and lower layers of    molten metal are maintained without any ‘Heat Loss’
• Provides ‘Heat Gain’.
• Expands to entire surface of the molten metal thus achieving good spread-ability.
• Provides insulation cover over the molten metal, thus preventing further ‘Heat Loss’.
• Provides good quality of metal output and helps maintain quality standards.

Raw Materials For Anti Piping Compound

Product (Aluminium Dross/ Fines)Quality
-40 To Dust Mesh25% Al Content
-40 To Dust Mesh20% Al Content